Dallas Ramps Service Project

Members of Troop 570 completed a ramp for a disabled mom of 3 children on November 3, 2013. Due to family’s low income, family was unable to provide easy entry access to their home for the disabled mother.
The project was run by Dallas Ramps, web http://dallasramps.wordpress.com/ , whose purpose is to liberate people imprisoned in their homes, unable to get out because of the front steps that most take for granted. Dallas Ramp Project works with the County of Dallas, social-services organizations, and hospitals to identify clients who need a ramp. They are 100% volunteer staffed, relying on individual donations and our corporate partners to provide the funding, building materials, and facilities for our work.
* Sum of voluntary hours were  25 Scout & 10 adult hours for a total 35 hours.
* Project was organized thanks to Doug Hogan

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