Path to Eagle

Eagle_Scout_patchBe Prepared.  To Eagle.

Troop 570’s Path to Eagle program is designed to provide guidance and direction to our Scouts who have reached the rank of Life until they have achieved the rank of Eagle.  The Road to Eagle coordinator along with other Scout Leaders will work to ensure that these Scouts perform the necessary requirements to achieve each of the ranks listed below.  These requirements will be met by earning merit badges, performing service projects, and by actively serving in one or more leadership positions within the troop.

Click here to view the Life to Eagle Presentation

Advancement Process

Once you’ve earned Life rank you should talk to the adult Eagle Advisor in our Troop, who can explain the current Eagle advancement procedures, as well as serve as a guide through the last steps to Eagle rank.  It is the individual Scout’s responsibility to request requirements be signed off, request a Scoutmaster Conference, and request a Board of Review.

Eagle Requirements

  1. Complete the requirements listed in the back of your Scout Book (except for Scout Spirit, Scoutmaster Conference & Board of Review).  Eagle Project – see the Scoutmaster prior to starting on the project.
  2. Request a skills review from the Scoutmaster.  An Assistant Scoutmaster will be assigned to the skills review.
  3. Request a copy of your Individual History & Rank Advancement from the Troop Advancement Chairman.  All merit badges required for the rank & the Eagle Project must be updated and shown as complete.
  4. Schedule a Scoutmaster Conference.  Scout Spirit and the Scoutmaster Conference requirement will be completed during this session
  5. Notify the Troop Advancement Chairman that you have completed the Scoutmaster Conference and you’re ready for the Board of Review
  6. Troop Advancement Chairman will schedule the Board of Review and notify the Scout.  The Scout will be recognized at the next Troop meeting and the formal presentation of the rank will occur at an Eagle Court of Honor.