Chaplain Aide

Job Description:

The Chaplain Aide works to meet the religious needs of Scouts in the troop and leads in building troop morale. This is an appointed position by the Scoutmaster with guidance from the SPL

Responsible to:

Assistant Senior Patrol Leader and Troop Chaplain

Minimum Rank:

First Class Scout

Minimum Training:

Oak Leaf


Approximately 5 months

Minimum Attendance:

The Chaplain Aide should attend at least 80% of the Monday meetings and at least 75% of the monthly campouts.

Specific Duties:

  • Assists the troop with religious services at Troop activities.
  • Help the leaders build healthy and positive troop morale.
  • Help the troop respect the religious diversity of its members
  • Keep troop leaders apprised of religious holidays when planning activities.
  • Encourage saying grace at meals while camping or on activities.
  • Lead Troop in Scout prayer at events, activities, and campouts.
  • Be on time for all troop meetings and activities.
  • Set a good example.
  • Enthusiastically wear the scout uniform.
  • Live by the Scout Oath and Law.
  • Be an active Scout and show Scout spirit.