Troop Guide

Job Description:

The Troop Guides are responsible for guiding new scouts as they progress from the Scout rank through the First Class rank –Trail to First Class (TFC). Troop Guide’s have the scout skills and leadership capabilities to enable them to be a positive role model for new scouts. They also serve as the surrogate Patrol Leader for the TFC patrol

Troop Guides are appointed by the Scoutmaster. They begin their assignment in the spring as scouts are crossing over into the troop

Responsible to:

Senior Patrol Leader and Assistant Scoutmaster for TFC

Minimum Rank:

First Class Scout (Star or Life Preferred)

Minimum Training:

Oak Leaf (NYLT Preferred)


Approximately 12 months

Minimum Attendance:

Troop Guides should attend at least 80% of the Monday meetings and at least 75% of the monthly campouts.

Specific Duties:

  • Introduce new Scouts to Troop operations.
  • Prevent harassment of new Scouts by older Scouts.
  • Help new Scouts meet advancement requirements through First Class.
  • Attend Patrol Leader’ Council meetings (PLC) with the junior Patrol Leader.
  • Advise junior Patrol Leader on his duties and his responsibilities.
  • Assist the ASM for TFCs and Troop Instructors.
  • Be on time for all troop meetings and activities.
  • Set a good example.
  • Enthusiastically wear the scout uniform.
  • Live by the Scout Oath and Law.
  • Be an active Scout and show Scout spirit.